September 7th Newsletter

September 7th, 2017

Dear OLG Families, 
What a blessing the start of the school year has been!  I sat with 1st graders at our First Day of School Mass and heard the voices of the 5th and 6th graders behind me singing with enthusiasm.  Pure joy!
I look forward to this evening and next Thursday, greeting all parents and welcoming you into our classrooms. Come to Curriculum Night to hear the good news our teachers are bringing to students this year.
      Yours in Christ,
       Anton Kramer


Wednesday Early Dismissal
Please note!  Wednesday early dismissal starts next week on September 13th, with school ending at 2:15 PM.  Extended Day Care (EDC) is available at no charge from 2:15 – 3:00 PM.  After 2:15 PM, please pick up your child at EDC in the School Hall (entrance is located on 34th Ave SW).  The tutoring schedule is still in process and will be finalized soon.
Blue Friday
Our first Blue Friday is coming up on September 15th.  In honor of the Seahawks home game, students may wear sports gear from their favorite Seattle team, or their school uniform.  This is NOT “free dress”: it is specific to Seattle sports.  Watch for a Blue Friday each month on the school calendar.


Individual School Pictures
September 20th: Pre-K to 8th grade.  Free Dress
September 21st: TTh Preschool
Photo order packets will be sent home with your child this week, or order/prepay online (follow instructions below).
  1. Click on Schools/Sports/Yearbooks
  2. Select School & Sports Pre-pay
  3. Enter Keyword: Our Lady of Guadalupe and click View Gallery
  4. Select OLG Prepay for Picture Day 9/20/17
  5. Complete the online order process  (Note:  It is no longer necessary to provide a receipt to the photographer the day of for online orders)
Pizza Fridays begin September 15th.
Order for all Fridays (thru Dec.) at once, or place an order each week.  Lunch includes one or two slices of pizza, fruit, and a gluten free treat such as fruit snacks.  Note: Lunch will not be served on half days of school.
Sign In to place an order, manage your account, create an account, or retrieve a forgotten password.   First-Time Pizza orderer: select Find Existing Record to activate your account and create a password.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

Zero Hour Spanish for 7th and 8th grade
Hola Familias of Middle School Students!
Zero-Hour Spanish for 7th and 8th grade will begin on September 18th.  The Sign up form will be coming home and are due by September 19th.
If you have any questions, contact Senora Brodahl.

School Fund Drive Update
First day of school, September 5th, 2017

Our hands are busy and our feet are running as we look forward to another great year at OLG School!

We know that many of you look forward to attending our School Fund Drive Dinner each fall season, and we are incredibly thankful for your continued support. This year we have decided to re-focus our time, energy and resources on other avenues of fundraising, so the dinner scheduled this fall has been cancelled.   However, the School Fund Drive continues to be an integral piece of school funding.  We will utilize your gifts to support the academic excellence, commitment to service, and community outreach that are hallmarks of our school.
Our goal this year is $80,000 with 100% of school families participating, and pledges paid by June 30th.  Many families have pledged during registration.  Funds raised will be used for tuition assistance, the teacher excellence award, and a deposit into our endowment fund.
Tuition covers only about 80% of our school’s expenses.  The remaining 20% of the budget is reached through this and other fundraising, grants, and parish support.  We are blessed to have an active and involved community that gives generously of their time, talent and treasure to support our school.  We look forward to your continued support!
If you have any questions, ideas or are looking to get involved, please contact Carrie Morrissey (206) 935-0651.

The new school year is filled with so much anticipation!  As students entered their new space for the first time last Wednesday at school supply drop-off, I was filled with delight.  Students nervously and excitedly inspected their classroom and stayed close to mom and dad.  This school year will be chock-full of learning, growing and making new friends!
We have a new teacher assistant this school year.  Her name is Kathleen Everett and has many years of experience working with kindergarten students as an aide.  Welcome, Kathleen!!!
The first few weeks in kindergarten we will be establishing new routines.  Backpacks, lunches, school supplies, station time, recess, recess rules, bathroom time, etc., etc.  Kathleen and I will also be very busy assessing students to create reading groups.
We will also launch into our tree unit for science, and begin our citizen unit in social studies.

WE ARE the Hands and Feet of Christ!
Thank you to the class of 2018 for our OLG garden!
And thank you hands and feet of Ben, Nathan and Carolyn Woodhouse and Lisa Britton for harvesting and delivering produce from the OLG garden to share with our neighbors in need at the West Seattle Food Bank this summer.  The OLG garden is located on the south side of the church.   Please take time to admire and give thanks.

Welcome back to all OLG families! It was a delight to share coffee and treats with you on Tuesday at the PO sponsored coffee and pastries event! A special thank you to Deirdre and Molly O’Day for the signs, Kristi Edwards, Katie Richmond, the Stampes, & Jennifer Dempsey for assistance with coffee prep and clean up!


Fall Fundraiser Kick off! Charleston Wrap & Gifts
It’s ba-ack! Once again we have partnered with Charleston Wrap for our fall fundraising campaign. There are over 500 high quality items to choose from, and every purchase you make earns between 30-40% in much needed money for our school. Simply order from the catalog being sent home with your child, or visit Charleston Wrap.  Watch the newsletter and the FUNDRAISING link for upcoming information! The sale will kick off the second week of school!


Volunteer Positions Available
Interested in becoming active in the school community while earning automatic volunteer hours? We ARE IN NEED OF AN AUCTION CHAIR & CO-CHAIR!!  For more information and to volunteer check here! Examples include: Scrip Chair & co-chair; numerous Auction committee roles.
There are also several classroom volunteer positions open in your class. Please read the emails from your Parent Org class rep. To determine who your class rep is go here!


Halloween Carnival

Mark your calendars! The annual OLG Halloween Carnival starts Saturday, Oct. 28th, at 4:00 PM.
New additions to this year’s carnival include a costume contest, inflatable maze, live DJ, crafts by West Seattle Art Nest, professional face-painting, trunk-or-treat, and more!  Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact Carnival Co-Chairs Shauna Fredrickson or Hilary Reeves.


Save the Date
First Parent Org Meeting (all are welcome!) 
September 20th @ 6:30 PM in School Math Lab
Halloween Carnival 
Saturday, October 28th
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s theme”
March 3rd, 2018
(WE ARE IN NEED OF AN AUCTION CHAIR & CO-CHAIR!! Please contact Christa Callanan for more information)

If you have any questions about cross country, please contact Coach Daren or 206-853-7272.

If you have any questions about soccer, contact your coach or Bill Udall, OLG CYO Soccer Liaison.


Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG!

2017 Sounders Outing!
Sunday, September 10th 6:00 PM
CenturyLink Field
Come watch the Seattle Sounders take on the LA Galaxy and celebrate
Faith and Family Night at CenturyLink Field.  Join us for “football” and fellowship!  Tickets start at $26 when you use the promo code: CATHOLIC17.  Sign up here or contact Brandon Hank (206) 512-1227.


Wednesday, September 13 7:00 PM
Walmesley Center
The “Season of Creation” takes place every year between the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation (Sept. 1) and the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (Oct. 4).  During the Season of Creation, OLG and Holy Rosary are co-sponsoring an evening called “Laudato Si: A Faithful Response to Climate Change“.  Join us on Wednesday, September 13 at 7:00 PM in the Walmesley Center to hear fellow Catholic Jeff Renner discuss the changes he’s observed in our climate during 38 years as chief meteorologist and science reporter with KING-TV in Seattle.  He will also talk about the latest science and how it relates to Pope Francis’ encyclical “On Care for our Common Home“.


Saturday, September 16 9:30 AM
Walmesley Center
OLG has been invited to participate in a rotating shelter program for women and children run by Mary’s Place.  We are considering hosting several families for one week at a time, two to four times a year.  Please join us on  to learn more about this opportunity and help us in our discernment.


Stories from the Skagit Valley: Youth Migrant Project Presentation
Sunday, September 24 9:45-10:45 AM
Walmesley Center 
This July, teens from OLG participated in the Youth Migrant Project.  Please join us for a brief presentation between the Masses to hear more about the experience and learn how your support made a tangible difference in the lives of those we encountered.


Saturday, October 7, 2017 9:30 AM – Noon
Walmesley Center
Parenting a child is an awesome responsibility. It can also be an amazing gift for one’s faith. How can you effectively share your faith with your children? Join us for an informative and affirming interactive workshop where you will explore practical ways to live faith as a family, and meet others who are trying to do the same.

Important Info May 2012

Curriculum Nights
K-5th: September 7th 6:30 PM, Parish Hall
Pre-K: September 14th
6:00 PM, Parish Hall
Grades 6th-8th: September 14th 6:30 PM, Walmesley Center
Band starts
September 8th
Wednesday Early Dismissal 2:15 starts
September 13th
Blue Friday
September 15th
Band Instrument RentalSeptember 16th
10:00 AM, Parish Hall
7th/8th Grade Spanish starts
September 18th 7:30AM
MAP Testing
September 18th to October 13rd
School Pictures
September 20th: K-8
September 21st: TTh Preschool
Catechetical Sunday
October 1st
11:00 AM Mass

For our students, teachers, and families open to the joy of learning
For the Corpuz family and the health of their twins